Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity Review

Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity
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Excellent textbook. Presented in a textbook format with plenty of pictures, easy to read and understand. Linear learning curve. Explains ins and outs of electronics and electricity basics, easy math (no two-page formula derivations!). I found it a great resource for brushing up for my electronics tech certification. Recomend to anyone who wants to know how electricity operates, with references to real life. Straight to the point (thorough basics, and minimum fuss).

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Pavement Analysis and Design Review

Pavement Analysis and Design
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Overall, the book is helpful. It starts off discussing the general pavement types, design methods, and roads tests. Included in this section are the results of findings which, although not something I consider in everyday design, are items that are interesting enough to promote thought in my designs. All in all, I found almost all the chapters useful as they cover stresses in flexible and rigid pavements, rigid and flexible pavement design, drainage design, pavement performance, as well as a few other issues.
The only downfall are the two chapters covering the authors computer program. Most books have this problem, though, as technology quickly outgrows software, but enough information is given in relation to results of parametric studies to make these chapters worth the time needed to read through them.
All in all, a pretty good purchase.

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This text/software package explores the structural analysis and design of highway pavements - focusing on the mechanistic-empirical design procedures rather than the purely empirical methods.*presents the theory of pavement design and reviews the methods developedby several organizations, such as the AASHTO, the AI, and the PCA.*includes the KENLAYER program for flexible pavements - applicable to amultilayered system under stationary or moving multiple wheel loads with eachlayer being either linear elastic, nonlinear elastic, or viscoelastic.*contains the KENSLABS program for rigid pavements - applicable to multipleslabs fully or partially supported on a liquid, solid, or layered foundationwith moment or shear transfer across the joints.*presents most of the advanced theory and detailed information inappendices.*features a large number of examples and line drawings.

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Aleks User's Guide Review

Aleks User's Guide
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Purchasing a new version of Aleks rather than looking for a deal on eBay is the way to go. The code is only good for a semester, so if you get a used one, it won't work.

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ALEKS is an artificial intelligence-based system for individualized math learning, available for Higher Education from McGraw-Hill over the World Wide Web.ALEKS delivers precise assessments of your math knowledge, guides you in the selection of appropriate new study material, and records your progress toward mastery of goals.ALEKS interacts with you much as a skilled human tutor would, moving between explanation and practice as needed, correcting and analyzing errors, defining terms and changing topics on request. By accurately assessing your knowledge, ALEKS focus clearly on what you are ready to learn next, helping you master the course content more quickly and easily.

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Basic Drafting: A Manual for Beginning Drafters Review

Basic Drafting: A Manual for Beginning Drafters
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I agree with the other gentleman who was as unfortunate as me in selecting this so-called "book". More like a few pages torn from a 10th grade art text and wound together with bailing twine! Not only were there dozens of grammatical errors as well as several misspellings and blatant repeats, this haphazard arrangement of text left many terms unexplained to the un-initiated. Even if my knowledge were as basic as the item was appearantly meant for, I would still be left with questions to the most rudementiary standards. For those of you about to buy this book, I beseach you: take your $40 to the nearest barnes and noble or walden books store! I FOR ONE WILL STEER CLEAR OF THIS PUBLISHING CO. AS WELL AS THE AUTHOR!!!!

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Remember Everything You Read: The Evelyn Wood 7-Day Speed Reading & Learning Program Review

Remember Everything You Read: The Evelyn Wood 7-Day Speed Reading and Learning Program
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I have never read a book before about reading faster with better comprehension. I was attracted to this book because so many people ask me if there is a book I can recommend that helps with reading speed and comprehension.
While I found many things to like that will help you with your reading, I also found many things that I did not like. Graded just on that basis, I would give the book two or three stars.
At the same time, someone with average reading speed and comprehension can probably improve speed and comprehension if the book's advice is followed and practiced daily. Graded just on that basis, I would give the book four stars.
Getting better with reading, note taking, writing, and test taking is all about understanding what needs to be done, implementing those approaches, getting feedback, and practicing a lot. Someone in middle school or high school is in a perfect position to do all of those things. Beginning with college, it becomes harder. Graduate school often causes skill levels to decline in these areas. Those who are working and not taking courses will find that they may not have the disciplined environment needed to improve.
First, let me clear up some misconceptions. Reading faster is not "skimming" in which you skip most of the material looking for the high points. Reading faster is about reading all of the words, but by using better techniques. Also, I do not believe that there is only one way to read faster. I use several techniques for different kinds of material, several of which are not mentioned in this book. This book argues for lots of repetition in reading, writing, and studying. That repetition can be avoided by using methods other than those described in this book. Finally, I think that you will learn more by taking a reading course that is offered daily than by just reading a book about reading. In such a course, you will develop your own methods that feel right for you.
This book is absolutely correct in identifying the major reasons why most people read and comprehend slowly:
(1) mentally "vocalizing each word" slows down the reading process -- just "see" and react to the word instead (when you look at a butterfly, you can appreciate its beauty and identity without saying "butterfly" to yourself . . . so why is a word any different?)
(2) losing concentration and starting to daydream, rather than reading on
(3) losing one's place and having to find the place and then rereading material
(4) not understanding the vocabulary
(5) not having a structured set of questions for bringing reading attention to bear (What is the structure of this book? Where are its arguments valid? Where are they not? What is the evidence? Who can best use this book? And so forth.).
If you work on those five areas, I agree with the author that the average person can easily double reading speed while increasing comprehension.
To get to be really fast, you have to be able to take in and absorb more words with each eye movement. Distance from the words, angle of the reading material, light, corrective power of your glasses or contact lenses, the back support of your chair, and the emotional comfort of your environment all play a role. Here is where I disagree with the book. It argues for using lots of finger movements. In my experience, those finger movements are just a distraction. If they help you, great! But if they don't, relax! I doubt if anyone is going to learn those finger movements, however, without taking an Evelyn Wood course.
The author argues that material with dialogue in it cannot be read rapidly. That is not my experience. He argues the same for poetry. That is also not my experience. Where I do find that you have to slow down is where the material requires lots of thinking to be appreciated. Even there, most of us can think at 50,000 words a minute. Not too many people try to read faster than that. It's hard to turn the pages that fast!
The book doesn't have enough direction on how to reach and drill yourself. A better approach would have been to have put this book into a workbook format that would provide very simple self-guided lessons.
So, should you buy the book, or just absorb the lessons from this review? I suspect that many people can learn all they can use from the book by just reading this review. On the other hand, the book is inexpensive so you don't have much to lose if you buy it.
The book also contains lots of material about conceptual note-taking, faster writing processes, test preparation, and test-taking. I thought that this material was overly rigid. Most people will do better to adopt a style that fits the way they think and like to work.
After you finish reading this review, please do consider that improving your reading speed and comprehension is very valuable. You can either spend less time gathering material, or learn more. In either case, your life should be improved.
Enjoy your reading more!

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Now you can join the millions of people of all ages who have reaped the rewards of the famous Evelyn Wood Speed Reading and Learning Program. All the secrets of this amazing system are now available to you in this book. Find out how you can:

Read 50% faster in only an hour
Double your reading speed in a week
Soar beyond -- to read an amazing 1,200 to 3,000 words per minute -- and remember everything you read!

In just a few lessons, the proven techniques of this dynamic learning system will unlock the natural power of your mind, opening the door to new realms of intellectual power and potential success.


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Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide, 4th edition Review

Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide, 4th edition
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Before starting a class at the local technical college, I used this book as a guide to find out if I could go back to school after 30 years. It was great - easy to understand and much better than the textbook we use in class. Highly recommended.

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Expand your working medical vocabulary
Work at your own pace to master the latest terms and techniques
Learn all the essential Greek and Latin building blocks

Learn at your own pace with the guidebook that has sold over 400,000 copies
What word is used to describe a fatty tumor? Why are qualifiers necessary in medical terminology? How does kinesialgia occur? What does "involution" mean? With Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide, Fourth Edition, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more.
Using a unique word-building system that begins with a review of Greek and Latin word roots, Shirley Steiner provides the tools necessary for building and sustaining a large working repertoire of medical terms. This new fourth edition helps readers understand the simple logic behind hundreds of seemingly incomprehensible words, featuring new review exercises and up-to-date examples. The step-by-step, clearly structured format of Quick Medical Terminology makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood, comprehensive overview.
Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Quick Medical Terminology allows you to build gradually on what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for practitioners and students who need to expand, improve, or refresh their medical vocabularies.

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Drawing Words and Writing Pictures: Making Comics: Manga, Graphic Novels, and Beyond Review

Drawing Words and Writing Pictures: Making Comics: Manga, Graphic Novels, and Beyond
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I brought an advance copy of this book into a college illustration class I teach. The class was quite impressed. In fact, two students went onto Amazon online and bought it instantly. Usually I discourage shopping during class, but Drawing Words and Writing Pictures is an answered prayer for the aspiring comics artist.
This is an ideal text for a 15-week class in comics. It also has guidance for starting an informal collective class. It includes suggestions for the stereotypical solitary artist, who the authors are gracious enough to refer to as ronin. There is a wealth of info on the narrative process, page design, lettering, pens, and even Photoshop scanning advice.
The authors' individual web pages present a lot this DIY info, so search out their sites, see if their philosophies appeal to you. The book contains multiple perspectives from two remarkable artists. Matt Madden is into "formalist" styles, working within Houdini-like constraints. Jessica Abel's La Perdida is one of the great masterpieces of the long-form graphic novel.
From George Herriman to Robert Crumb, Charles Burns, to Kaz and John Porcillino, the book is crammed with a diversity of styles. Wide-ranging and inclusive, no matter what one's preferred comics style, from manga to superhero to alternative, you will find something to like here.
Instructors will find the bibliography alone is worth the price of admission, I teach a seven-week college comics course each fall. My plan is to email the students over the summer, tell them to get this book and get started on the exercises. The ronins will get a head start and their classmates will lose face.
Scott McCloud's Making Comics is also a valuable college course text for serious students, who have some background in reading comics and thinking critically about the artform. Drawing Words and Writing Pictures, however, has practical exercises for students at any level. Highly recommended.

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Becoming an Electronics Technician: Servicing Your High-Tech Future Review

Becoming an Electronics Technician: Servicing Your High-Tech Future
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"Becoming an Electronics Technician" contains everything you need to determine if being an electronics technician is for you and how best to go about learning how to be an electronics technician.
The book begins by covering what it means to be an electronics technician. This section describes the wide variety of work electronics technicians do, from medical electronics to industrial electronics and communications electronics to computer electronics and much more. Each of these different fields offer their own challenges and opportunities for excellent careers. The book continues with an overview of today's electronics workplace and look into the future, as well a review of what electronics technicians need to know to succeed. The introductory section closes with profiles of five actual electronics technicians, describing the kinds of challenges each faces.
The second section of the book discusses how to become an electronics technician. The various ways of gaining the required education are reviewed, followed by strategies for making the most of your classroom experience and things you can do beyond the classroom to prepare you to succeed as an electronics technician. There is an excellent discussion of the value of technician certifications and an entire chapter on information technology certifications, with emphasis on the A+ Certification. The section wraps up with advice on finding, getting, and keeping that important first electronics technician position.
The final section of "Becoming an Electronics Technician" introduces the reader to the electronics field. Starting with a discussion of the various methods of 'breadboarding' electronics circuits; a crucial step in learning how the circuits used in electronics devices work. The book continues with tips on troubleshooting circuits, information on how various electronic transducers work, and a short course on solid-state electronic components. There's an excellent chapter on electronics safety, from electrical shock to hazards from electronics tools and chemicals commonly used in electronics. In addition to a short discussion on surface mount technology and a wide range of electronics projects, the book contains an excellent review of circuit simulation software.
The author, Ronald A. Reis, teaches electronics at Los Angeles Valley College. He wrote the first edition of "Becoming an Electronics Technology" in 1993 and has updated it every few years as the electronics industry and economy has changed. The book is written in an engaging and clear style that makes it easy to understand.
Each chapter includes review questions, individual or group activities, and issue for class discussion. This gives the student a quick way to reinforce the material in the book and to delve further into the matters covered. Also, for those considering using this book for an introductory course on electronics, there is an instructor's manual.
All in all, this is an excellent book that does an outstanding job of helping one understand what the electronics technician profession is (and isn't). I strongly recommend this book for anyone interested in learning about the electronics and trying to determine if being an electronics technician might be for them.
Review by Mike Powers, Guide, June 2003

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Describes the role of an electronics technician and explains how to prepare to become one. This guide offers a complete discussion of the study skills necessary to succeed in the profession, and shows how to secure a first job as an electronics technician.

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The Theory of Horology Review

The Theory of Horology
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This is the actual book to which watchmaking schools around the world base their teachings (more or less). In my opinion it is only good for already learned watch repair persons (whatchmakers they call us), as it is too technical for the layman. A good book to have, but you'll never read it entirely, and after you do, if you do, well you'll never look at it again if you're really busy with your repairs. Yet it is a good source of technical terms and it could facilitate the explaining of watch repairs to customers.

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Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Second Edition Review

Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Second Edition
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I used this book as a primary text for a course on "Energy & the Environment" where we dealt with all current and future methods of energy production and their effect on the environment.
This book is by far the best and easiest to read, whilst still containing accurate and complete information and data (though most of the data is based on the UK). It contains relevant formulas and mathematical information but is not too technical as to leave the reader jumping through numbers.
I've given this book 5 stars, because I couldn't find any flaw in it. It's a MUST have for any one interested in renewable energy.

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Stimulated by recent technological developments and increasing concern over the sustainability and environmental impact of conventional fuel usage, the prospect of producing clean, sustainable power in substantial quantities from renewable energy sources arouses interest world-wide. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principal types of renewable energy-including solar, thermal photovoltaics, bioenergy, hydro, tidal, wind, wave, and geothermal. In addition, the text explains the underlying physical and technological principles of renewable energy and examines the environmental impact and future prospects of different energy sources. It includes over 350 detailed illustrations, more than fifty tables of data, and a wide range of case studies. Renewable Energy, 2/e is ideal for undergraduate courses in energy, sustainable development, and environmental science.

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Business Communication Review

Business Communication
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Great product. I bought a used book, but it was like new. It had no marks, no tears,and no highlights. I was very satified with my book and the money that I paid for it. The shipping of the product was not bad at all. Thanks AMAZON!!

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The ability to communicate effectively is critical for student success in today's business environment. The new edition of this "back to the basics" text was specifically designed to help students develop their communication skills. The authors offer complete coverage of fundamental business English topics and concepts, with extensive practice and end-of-chapter review. Three chapters focus on essential oral and nonverbal communication skills. Facing-page models, a hallmark feature of this text, provide students with good and bad examples of business writing. This new edition also integrates technology throughout, using numerous Internet activities combined with a dedicated chapter on technology issues. Updated information onbusiness and casual dress for interviews and electronic resumes helps students prepare for the realities of today's workplace.

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Fashion Design Drawing Course Review

Fashion Design Drawing Course
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Unlike other fashion design books, the authors do not teach figure drawing and clothing. They start out with a visit to a museum where you need to gather information, then find a theme and make four sketches. The individual lessons build upon each other so that the beginner can easily follow. The authors require you to be active, go out and find your sources of information and inspiration. You learn to do what fashion designers do: look at architecture and find ideas for a new fashion line, look at flowers and find a color scheme, etc.
The book has 24 lessons that lead the student of fashion design from the first sketch to the fashion show. It's a good book if you are looking for a guided course that helps you to improve and evaluate your designs.

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A superb reference book and an ideal instructional textbook for classroom use, this beautifully illustrated guide is organized into units that reflect required courses at leading design colleges. Twenty step-by-step exercises cover methods of finding inspiration, developing observation techniques, and creating fashion drawings in both color and black-and-white media. Separate sections are devoted to getting started and understanding figure proportions, planning and designing garments, and creating and assessing flat specification drawings. The book also features cross-references to its various art instruction techniques, a designer's glossary, and a helpful index. This book guides students through their first steps in fashion illustration, covering everything that is presented in the best college-level courses. It makes a fine starting point for all students of fashion, introducing them to fashion drawing as a first step toward a career as a creative costumier. More than 250 illustrations in color and black and white.

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Cultural Dimension of International Business, The Review

Cultural Dimension of International Business, The
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Throughout this book Ferraro takes on the idea of being a theoretical observer of different characteristics that the typical North Amercian has in comparison to the rest of the world. He takes these dfferences and applies them usefully to the area of International Buisness. The book goes through many different catagories including language, communication (verbal and non-verbal), precise time reckoning, and even culture shock. As a student, I found this book to be very insubstantial for a textbook, but I believe that it would be a wonderful starting point for buisness people of any age to read before doing any international buisness realtions. I wish I had read this book before I went and lived in Europe for 5 months, I think I would have been able to communicate a little more easily.

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Main text for courses in intercultural business, intercultural communication, and applied anthropology. Courses found in both anthropology departments and business schools.

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Civil Drafting Technology Review

Civil Drafting Technology
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I purchased this book with the hopes that it would help me understand civil drafting. There is no answer section to check my work. So,,,I do not know if I am on the right track with my understanding.
Does anyone know if there is a solutions manual?

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This volume provides straightforward and comprehensive coverage of civil drafting technology and mapping. It includes survey types, plots, plan and profile, contours, and earthworks. Input and ideas from the industry, specifically civil engineering companies, offers readers a well-rounded view of the civil drafting field and the types of drawings and skills associated with it.The authors provides an introduction to civil drafting technology, mapping scales and symbols, surveying fundamentals, location and direction, legal descriptions and plot plans, contour lines, profiles, highway layout, earthwork, and an introduction to geographic information systems (GIS).For civil engineers.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades Review

Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades
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This book is one of several I considered for an in-plant class to teach Blueprint reading. It is full of examples, questions and tests.

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This text describes the fundamentals of interpreting and using blueprints for manufacturing processes.

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Oxford Information Technology for CSEC Review

Oxford Information Technology for CSEC
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The book was really tailored for the new IT syllabus. I really appreciate its concentration on the Problem Solving and Programming areas. I believe that this is a text book that the students can actually work with and use in their private studies. The examples are straight forward and it explains topics in a simple way. Really good book, finally.

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The Future of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution Review

The Future of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution
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This is a case of a lot of filler to make what could be communicated in a short essay into a book. The basic message "The music industry has to embrace digital technology." This and a few other salient points are made early in the book and then repeated with different wording ad nauseum. I would suggest standing in the store, reading the introductory stuff and skimming the rest. Too many authors are doing this these days. It should have been a magazine article.

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